You are maybe wondering what we can eat when following the AIP... It is true it is a mindset change, not eating any items containing gluten, dairy, grains, pseudo-grains, alcohol, sugar, legumes, nightshades, eggs... but what's left to eat ??
In fact, quite a very diversified choice !!
Here is an example of a week of evening meals all AIP elimination phase compliant. Most of my meals are usually covering for 2 diners.
- Saturday/Sunday: Pork ribs cooked in the Instant Pot, then boiled in the oven with a Tamarind-maple syrup sauce (from 'The Paleo AIP Instant Pot Cookbook', collaborative book edited by Eileen Laird), served with oven-baked root vegetables, sweet potatoes mash and Belgian endives.

- Monday/Tuesday: Cod filet and calamaris in a coconut creamy sauce with root veggies (I batched prep a big portion during the weekend), served with cauliflower-bacon sauteed rice or sweet potatoes mash.

- Wednesday/Thursday: defrosted AIP bolognaise sauce (with AIP nomato sauce - search on google, there are plenty - with a mix of ground bison and grass-fed ground beef) on Shirataki noodles (be careful of the ingredients, several brands are not AIP compliant, I am buying Miracle Noodle brand) - can be also done with zucchini or Kelp noodles. I prepared a big batch a couple of weeks ago and kept a portion on the freezer for later. Here we are Wednesday evening and I don't really want to spend time cooking, then I defrosted it and just cooked some noodles to go with. Hmm, it is yummy!

Friday: chicken, mix of veggies and sweet potatoes fries (and non-IP white potatoes fries side for my husband and son), all cooked at the same time in the oven. Pretty easy, you can do something else during the time it is cooking...

Saturday: the left-over from Friday are transformed into a chicken pizza with AIP crust (from 'The Healing Kitchen' book), arugula/coriander/zucchini pesto, olives, mushrooms, any leftover veggies. Half of it is AIP complaint, the other one is for for my husband and my son, then has cheese on it.

I hope this is mouth watering and will give you the strength to start the AIP or continue in your efforts.
Bon appetit!