AIP Coaching
Sessions and services are provided online wherever you are.
Invest in your health, contact me to schedule a FREE 45 min Introduction session and determine how we can work together.
Look also in the 'Work with me' section for the other services I offer.

$ 1200
Implementing the AIP
Usually 12-16 weeks - around 6-8 sessions
​The perfect package to get you started on the AIP lifestyle and diet. We will assess where you are and work at your own pace to implement the AIP principles, usually starting with the elimination phase of the Protocol, adding specific nutrient-rich food, and engaging in the other lifestyle pillars essential to ensure deep healing.
At the end of the package, you will have integrated the AIP fully, be provided with tools to maintain it until enough improvements in your symptoms allows you to start re-integrate food on your own. We will also discuss how to troubleshoot other potential triggers that can slow down further healing.
The package includes:
- 6-8 private sessions (by phone/Skype/Zoom),
- email and text support between sessions,
- handouts and resources

$ 750
Reach your own personalized AIP
Usually 4-8 weeks - around 3-6 sessions
This package is for you if you implemented the AIP, felt improvements and are ready to re-introduce food but need support to do it the right way and reach a long term Healing Protocol personalized to your own body.
The package includes:
- 3-6 private sessions (by phone/Skype/Zoom),
- email and text support between sessions,
- handouts and resources

$ 1200
Rebooting the AIP
Usually 4-8 weeks - around 4-6 sessions
Did you already implemented the AIP on the past? It worked well for you but you fell out of the wagon and have some of your symptoms back. You want to get back on the AIP but it is harder this time and need a personalized support to stay motivated. This package is for you!
The package includes:
- 4-6 private sessions (by phone/Skype/Zoom),
- email and text support between sessions,
- handouts and resources
$ 1200
Le programme en ligne: "J'adopte l'AIP"
7 semaines
"J'adopte l'AIP" - le premier programme en FRANÇAIS, 100% en ligne, qui vous guidera pas à pas pour progresser tout en douceur vers la phase d'élimination de l'AIP en 6 semaines.
Le programme consiste en 7 modules (un par semaine):
Les 6 premiers modules vous guident pas à pas vers l'élimination AIP à 100% et abordent également les aspects de mode de vie.
Le 7e module vous donne les clés pour envisager sereinement la phase de ré-introduction et aller plus loin dans votre parcours de santé.
En bonus, de nombreuses ressources (et recettes) en français!
Disclaimer: HEALTHY WITH LUDY DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any diet, supplementation or exercise program. Statements and opinions contained on Healthy with Ludy’s website and other related sources (Blog and social media platforms) are provided as self-help tools only. Healthy with Ludy cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy or effectiveness of the information to your unique circumstance.